Thursday, September 07, 2006
Don't Shoot Me
Hello world!! I'm alive! I've been a little know giving birth to the most beautiful baby in the whole world and all. Let me just tell you, it was not fun at all...and after over 17 hours of labor with Cervadil and Pitocin, I only dialated to 4cm. I had to have a C-Section and little miss Aeralyn Mariah arrived at 12:19am on September 01st, 2006. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 and 1/2 inches long. I am so in love. I never knew I was capable of actually loving someone this much. She is so perfect and sweet. And now another thing that I never thought was possible happened: I love Aaron even more than I did before she was born. He is the best daddy. You would never know that he has never had any experience with babies before. Right now he is walking around the house carrying her with him and just talking to her. And the way he looks at her makes my heart want to explode. Life is good people, life is definitely good.

So onto why I don't want you to shoot me. I have a confession to make. I miss being pregnant. I know, trust me I know and I remember very well how miserable I got in those last few weeks. But, I almost feel empty inside now that I don't have her kicking and rolling and hiccuping in there. Now I have to share her with everyone else, I'm not the only one that gets to enjoy her anymore. Don't get me wrong...I'm not some psycho who doesn't want anyone to hold her or anything, it's just I kind of miss it just being me and her. I know. I'm a weirdo. But nothing compares to being able to hold her and look into her eyes and see her beautiful smile. Even if that smile is because of gas bubbles.

Anyway, I will shut my sleep deprived butt up for now and give you all what you really want: PICTURES!! Hope you enjoy!

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Blogger Lindsey said...

I never noticed that she's sticking her tongue out in that picture with Aaron. Hehe...that's so cute!

She is absolutely adorable! I can't wait to see her in person - but until I do, keep those pictures coming!!! I'm waiting to see her in camo... :D

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