Monday, March 12, 2007
Clean House
**Updated 11:30am**
**Updated again at 12:44pm**
**Updated again at 2:51pm**
**Updated again at 7:00pm** Holy poop is it really 7pm already??!! I hate this time change! I guess this will be the last update for the evening because it's time to get Aeralyn ready for bed.

Hi my name is Heather. I have an aversion to cleaning my house.

*Hi Heather.*

It all started when I was just a wee little girl and my dad would make me clean up my room, and the problem just continued to grow from there. Now, I have an excuse not to have an immaculate house because I have a baby that keeps me too busy so I can't clean. Somtimes this is completely true because we either have one of those days where she will not let me put her down long enough to even go to the bathroom fortheloveofGOD! Or sometimes we have days where we just get so into playing and reading books and taking pictures that the housework is forgotten. But then there are other days, like today, where I just flat out don't want to do it, so I spend Aeralyn's nap time writing a blog entry and surfing the internet.

But soon, the aforementioned baby will be on the move. And that means that I will be forced to clean my house all the time because I have a feeling that spare change, dryer lint, and cat hair (yes we still have cat hair even though the cat has been outside for months now), would be lovely little treasures for her to find and promptly put in her mouth. I'm pretty sure if I let that happen, I would be the worst mother that ever walked planet Earth, and I'm not ready for that title just yet. Maybe when she's a teenager, but I've still got a long ways to go before that happens.

The best way for me to get things accomplished around here is to put it on paper and mark it off as I go along. Although, I have been known to just say to hell with everything and throw out the list and forget about it until another day, so this is where you come in. I'm going to post my to do list right here, right now, and as I complete my tasks today, I'm going to come back here and update the list. This will work out much better because then all of you will know whether or not I did what I said I was going to do today, and I don't want to run the risk of disappointing the entire internet by failing. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

List of the competely disgusting and/or daunting variety:

1.) Take a shower. (yes, this has to actually be put on a list because it may or may not get done today) (don't you want to come over for a visit?) Yay! Now you can all come over for a visit and you won't have to smell me!
2.) Unload and re-load the dishwasher.
3.) Gather up trash from all rooms.
4.) Fold laundry that has piled up for two days.
5.)Wash and fold laundry that has piled up for God knows how long. 2 Loads down, 70,000 to go!
6.) Go to the grocery store. A three hour trip to 2 groceries stores. Ugh that totally threw off my day.
7.) Vacuum.
8.) Straighten up living room.

I think that souds like a good list for today. Check back for updates!

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Blogger Lindsey said...

Ooooh, I can't wait for the next update!

Blogger Heather said...

Exciting isn't it?

Blogger Lindsey said...

I'm putting my money on:
6.) Go to the grocery store.

Blogger Beverly said...

Clean houses are highly over-rated! Just my opinion!

Blogger Heather said...

I'm waiting on Aeralyn to get up from her nap so we can go to the grocery store. I'm out of laundry detergent!

I think you're right Beverly!

Blogger Mrs. DeVoe said...

I don't clean house, that is what my husband is for! No just kidding, we take turn but lately it has been my turn. I would rather clean my house than grade papers and write down my grades. Sounds bad but we do so much at school that I really don't feel like doing it after coming home. So once again instead of doing my "homework" I cleaned this weekend. Oh yeah and when are grades due?? Thursday! I am such a slacker. So Heather when I move back, you can grade papers and I can clean your house! Oh yeah you have to write the grades down in a grade book, not on the computer!

Blogger Alicia said...

Boldly going where I wouldn't.... airing my dirty laundry (and house) on the internet for all to see. Good job at marking most things off the list.

Why the 3 hour and 2 store grocery shopping adventure?

Blogger Heather said...

I do the grocery shopping for Aaron's granny (who has Alzheimers), so I do her shopping at Food Lion and then I take it to her. On my way home I went to Wal-Mart to get our groceries and we needed ALOT! Plus I got stuck in the Easter isle looking for stuff for Aeralyn's basket, then they only had a couple of registers open and it was PACKED!! Aeralyn was such an angel the whole time too thank goodness!

CJ, that sounds like a plan! You'll probably back out once you see my house though! LOL!

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