Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I'm gonna do it.
I'm going to the gym tomorrow. No, I'm really going to the gym tomorrow. I'm telling you all this so that you will ask me later if I actually did go to the gym, and since I don't want to sound like a big loser, I will have to go so I can tell you I went.

I told myself that paying for a gym membership would actually mean that I would make myself go. HAHAHAH!! And also, no. I lied. It has not made me go very often yet at all. I keep coming up with the most ridiculous excuses not to go. Let me just give you an example:

♦ Last week I had planned to go to the gym. I decided that this time I would take Aaron's MP3 player instead of lugging my dinosaur of a personal CD player because, believe it or not, getting looked at like I just crawled out from under a rock is not much fun. HI! Yes, I realize that there are such things as MP3 players these days, and also that personal CD players are just about obsolete, but give me a break here. Anyway, I couldn't find the MP3 player, and when I asked Aaron where it was, he told me he had left it at work. Darn, can't go to the gym without music now can I? I'll just have to go another day.

You see my dilemma? Give me a little credit, atleast I realize that I'm coming up with ridiculous excuses and not trying to justify them.

Tomorrow is the day. Wish me luck. Now, go have some pie. Make sure to have a little extra for me too, since the diet doesn't allow pie.



Blogger Alicia said...

Get. Your. Ass. To. The. GYM! Because all that money you're wasting and not going, could very well be spent on gas money to go see Anita, who is going through Aeralyn withdrawl! Now get. To the gym, woman!

Now, to make you feel better, I said I was going to get a gym membership months ago, and have yet to actually go do it. Looks like you're at least one step above me.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

do i have to come to GA and drag you to the gym?! :P
on the other hand i know what u mean about the mp3 player; i absolutly hate going on the subway and or walking around boston without my ipod!


Blogger Lindsey said...

You are not allowed to watch a single episode of Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, or any of your favorite shows until you have spent at least 30 minutes in the gym! Every 30 minutes spent in the gym is 30 minutes of TV time.

I know where you live, and I will disconnect your cable.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Alicia. I really can't rag you about the gym, since I don't go myself. But if you don't go you could end up like me and have to go to pysical therapy 3 days a week for a bruised tendon. When my 4 weeks are up at PT I will be very upset. I look forward to the hotty PT guys! Maybe I'll start wearing high heels and injure my ankle again!

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