Saturday, August 05, 2006
So, It's a Good Thing My Legs Were Shaved...
Yesterday was a little bit crazy. When I went to the OB on Thursday, I mentioned to her that I hadn't been feeling Aeralyn move as much as normal. She gave me a fetal movement tracking chart to start on Friday to make sure that everything was still going fine. So, yesterday morning I got up and ate a strawberry shortcake for know, because that's what the baby wanted...and I laid on the couch on my left side to track movements for an hour. If you don't feel 4 movements within an hour, you are supposed to call the office and ask for further instructions. Guess how many movements I felt? NONE! Talk about going into full panic freak mode! I called the office and they told me to go into Labor and Delivery. Guess what? I was home alone...and Aaron? He was in the middle of the freaking Atlantic Ocean. Yea...awesome.

So, I drove to the hospital, all the way calling answer. I felt NO movement all the way to the hospital, and I was really starting to get worried. You see, she is quite the regular dancing queen, usually to the point where I feel bruised on the inside, so you can see why I was a little freaked out. They sent me right up to L&D and hooked me up to the monitors. The sweetest sound in the world is the beating heart of your child, trust me on this one. So, immediately I had some relief knowing that she was alive and well in there, just not moving. The nurse wanted to let the monitors run for 30 mins and come back and check. She came back and looked at the printout and said "hmmm...". Okay, what does that mean?! Then she starts asking me all kinds of questions:

Nurse: "Has she moved yet?"
Me: "No"
Nurse: "Have you eaten anything today?"
Me: "Yes, and I even had something extra sweet because I knew I was doing a fetal movement chart."
Nurse: "Does she normally move after you eat?"
Me: "Always"
Nurse: "Hmmmm.... let's let this run for another 30 mins, and I'll be back."

I started to get a little worried again, especially when she came back to check the priontout, and then hurried back out to get another nurse for a second opinion. They decided to use this little buzzer thingy to try and wake her up. They placed it on my belly...and nothing. They did it again, and FINALLY she moved! But she only moved a couple of times, and then she stopped. Still very unusual for her. So they decided to get the doctor. He came in and wanted a Bio-Scan done. What that is is an ultrasound, and during the ultrasound they check her organs and measurements just to make sure everything is ok. So, the ultrasound tech came in and Aeralyn immediately started moving all around...thank GOD!!! She was so adorable too! She has the chubbiest little cheeks and big pouty lips...and she passed the bio-scan with flying colors!! What a relief. They think that she must have been sleeping really well and didn't want to wake up, so I just have to monitor her movements and make sure that I go in if it happens again.

She weighs 7lbs 5oz already, and I am measuring a week ahead. So that puts me at 37 weeks and 5 days now. I'm hoping that she may come a little sooner!! And guess what?? She has HAIR! We saw it on the ultrasound! I was so suprised because both Aaron and I were bald-headed at birth, but she won't be! I'll be sure to pack a bow for pictures in the hospital.

So, I'm very relieved to find out that everything is going ok with her in there. And she has been moving like a champ all day today. I just hope she doesn't give us any more scares!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orange juice. Kyra did that whole not moving thing on me several times. Everytime i went in for them to check it out they asked me "Have you had any orange juice today?" I hate oj. But they told me to started keeping it around and drinking one glass every night after dinner to do my own fetal movement count. Sure enough, once Kyra got some oj on her she was a kicking fool. I'm not sure why that's the magical juice, but it worked for me. Good luck and i hope that little girl doesn't play hide-n-seek anymore. --Alicia

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