Thursday, October 05, 2006
Random Bits of Randomness
I have some stuff to say, but I don't feel like making into actual fluid paragraphs. So, here's what's on my mind, in randomy list like format. Enjoy.

1. It's fall!! Did you guys notice? Or care? Probably not because it's still NINETY FREAKING DEGREES outside. Hello?! But do you think that has stopped me from putting out all my leafy pretties and my pumpkin smellies? Heck no! I'm basking in the smell of pumkin spice as we speak. most favoritest time of year.

2. Aeralyn decided to take two, say it with me: TWO! naps yesterday. Thankyouverymuch. And what did I get accomplished during those two nap times? Well, during the first one, I caught up on reading some blogs, and during the next one, I read some more blogs and ate some lunch. Very productive. Anyone wanna come clean my house and do some laundry?

3. I'm sitting here thinking about how I really should be cleaning my house or doing some laundry instead of trying to come up with something to tell you people. It is really making my brain hurt badly, and everytime I have a thought, it is replaced with the mental image of the mound of towels in the corner of my bedroom that needs to be folded, and the dirty dishes in the sink. Except, I will not be doing anything with those dirty dishes in the sink because those are for Aaron to take care of. Why? Here's the conversation we had last night after we went to bed.

Me: Did you clean up the mess you made in the kitchen?
Aaron: yes...kinda.
Me: what do you mean kinda?
Aaron: I'm just kidding..of course I cleaned up the mess I made in the kitchen.
Me: seriously, you better go clean it up because my head might explode.
Aaron: I swear, I cleaned it up, I was just kidding.
Me: Ok

What did I find in the sink when I got up this morning?
1. The frying pan that he used to cook Ricearoni last night, with crusted ricearoni on it.
2. The plate that he used to dip his bagel bites in ranch dressing, with the ranch dressing still globbed up on one side.

Please ignore the fact that he had ricearoni and bagel bites for dinner last night because I am a terrible wife who never EVER cooks dinner. Keep your focus here! But really? It wasn't that he was lieing to me about cleaning up his mess. He really feels like putting his dirty dishes in the sink without even rinsing them suffices for cleaning up. Who's fault is that? Well, partially it is his mom's fault for cleaning up after him for so long (Hey Holly! Still love you though), and partially it is my fault for cleaning up after him for so long. I guess he will get a suprise when he gets home this afternoon.

4. It's Thursday!! Know what that means? Grey's Anatomy comes on tonight! I find myself each week thinking "Oh my goodness, it's Thursday again already?" The time is going by so fast. Tomorrow Aeralyn will be five weeks old. I got the cutest video of her laughing this morning, so if I can ever figure out how to upload it here, I will share it with you all.

That's all for today. I really could sit here for hours and talk about nothing in particular, but I think I might actually take advantage of this naptime and do something productive.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Randomy"????????? O.K. It's time for Mom to take a nap!

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