Friday, July 13, 2007
A small update.
I've had so much that I've wanted to post about and tell you guys, but I just haven't had the time to post. Well, it's not that I haven't had the time, I just haven't made the time. I've been enjoying my summer. How about you?

Okay, since I know all of you have been sitting on pins and needles wondering what is going on with my heel, I'll go ahead and tell you. Nothing. Nothing at all is going on with it because I'm too chicken to go and get the x-ray that the podiatrist ordered. You see, when it comes to things that I don't want to deal with, I use the practice of avoidance. I pretend like there is no problem at all and just go about my merry way. Picture me with my fingers in my ears, eyes closed yelling "LALALALALALALALA!" I'm avoiding the problem, and just so you know, this tactic is not really working out for me. Wednesday night, I closed the back door on my heel, again. Yes, on the same heel. And this time? It hurt so bad that I said a bad word in front of my father-in-law. And I came thisclose to laying on the floor and crying like a little baby. Yes, I'm going to get the x-ray.....eventually. And I'll let you all know what happens when I do.

Moving on.

Do y'all know Beverly? If you don't, I want to encourage you to go read her blog. I dare you to read it and not be inspired by the story of her amazing son, Steven. Beverly is having a fundraiser soon to help find a cure for Von Hipple-Lindau, the disease that Steven has. Von Hipple-Lindau is also the disease that my mother had, so this is very near and dear to my heart. Please go and read her blog and see if there is any way you can help find a cure for this disease.

And that's all I have time for since Aeralyn just decided to wake up from one of her infamous 15 minute naps.

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Blogger Lindsey said...

I scheduled an x-ray appointment for you. You have to be there next Wednesday at 8am.

Seriously, is it still swollen? My GOD Heather, get that thing looked at!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oHey. I am going to predict you have a bone spur on your heel. They can be VERY painful. Remember I had mine removed and was on crutches when your Dad died? Mine grew on the bottom of my foot growing out towards my toes. My advice? See the doctor and for God's sake, USE A DIFFERENT DOOR!!!!!. Love Ya!! Barbara

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